Virus Policy Information

Ebenezer Counseling Services has developed policies and contingency plans for various scenarios depending on the severity of the Corona Virus outbreak. Please click here to see the policies.

Telehealth Connections

All ECS Therapists have are equipped to provide TeleHealth Sessions if desired or necessary. At ECS, we use a widely used TeleHealth platform known as Doxy.Me. Below is a list of our Therapists and links to their Doxy.Me pages. Your therapist will inform you of how to access the Doxy.Me platform. It is easy here by simply clicking on the link at your appointment time.

Mary Beth Berry

Lisa Duke

Eileen Bowman

Kevin Mischler

Richard Petsch

Gretchen Norris

Jackie Johnson

Anneke Moody

Lauren Brakebill

Leigh Ann Foster

Katy Oliver

April Ella

John Brower

Lisa Matthews

Patricia Seaver

Pat Wade

travis kobler

Haley cottrell

Amy Malcolm

Lauren Pagel

Elizabeth Sullivan

rachel blackaby

stewart scott

brooke carlson

Stuart Coleman

Alison CliftoN

Raquel Harvey

Anna Hassenzahl

Brian Davis

Laura Gilmore

Brandon McNeilly

Anna Davis

Kelsey Kraft

Mary Blake Broadway

Ashley Butler

zach hardesty

Kathryn Jordan

Morgan Arnold

cade causey